Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Wii Small Hours of the Morning...

So, Brian and I managed to get our hands on a Nintendo Wii. We got it several weeks ago, with methods that shall remain secret. It looked really fun, and had played it at a friends' house, so we decided we wanted one, and got it. Part of this deal was that if we got one, Brian would get rid of his PS2 and his games, even the newly acquired "Guitar Hero 3" (which he then has permission to buy for the Wii). I do not think it's necessary for two grown people who will have a family soon to have two different game systems. He agreed to the plan.

Okay, I thought I'd like the thing. I did not expect to LOVE the thing as much as I do. The Wii always comes with Wii Sports, where you can play Tennis, Bowling, Baseball, Golf and Boxing with up to 4 people at once. The package we got also had one other game thrown in the mix, and it was the luck of the draw as to what we got. We got the "Shrek 3" game, which is fun enough, I guess. Brian likes being Shrek and wrecking things. In it, you also have Ogre power and you can destroy massive amounts of things at once. So, that's fun.

Getting back to Wii Sports--it is awesome. I love bowling and tennis, and baseball and golf are growing on me. There is also a feature where you can train in the various sports, and then you are put through tests to check your "Wii Fitness Age." My fitness age is consistently lower than Brian's. He can hit the ball hard, but gosh darn it, I have a bit more finesse. I am playing this thing almost everyday for at least a few minutes, and last night after I turned off the light upstairs to go to sleep, I could here him down in the family room, still attempting to bowl strikes. It is wicked fun and awesome to do when you have friends over!

The only problem is that now I go to Best Buy and look at all the Wii accessories and other games that I want to buy. Arg! I do not need to be spending money like that! But the carrying case shaped like a bowling ball bag is awesome and too cute! We'll see what happens there...


Diane said...

Hey there, I started a blog a few years ago and had a lot of fun with it until school got insane. I just redesigned mine a week ago, with hopes that I will start it up again. I'm glad to hear that youlove the Wii. Jeff & I wanted to get it for Christmas but, we needed the money and the time to search for one. Here is my blog if you would like to check it out as well. You can reach my sisters from there too. She is really good with hers. It is always fun to read someones elses thoughts and opinions. We need to come over and play that wii.....

April said...

I have never played Wii, but I know what you're talking about. JB got
Guitar Hero and I didn't think I'd play it ever, but I really like it! AND, JB got his mom and dad to play last weekend. JB's mother never played a video game in her life. And she had so much fun that the next time she came over, she played it again. haha.

~Mrs. DCS RN~ said...

Yeah! Another blog to read! I love blogs. If it's ok I would like to add a link to yours from mine. Hope all is well!

The wii is great, I have a few friends that have one!

Jeff said...

If you can put up with our kids, we should get together and we could all play! Wii would like to play???