Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nervous Nellie!

First, I'd like to thank my friend and frequent reader A, who has already commented to me that she likes the new layout of the blog! Thanks A! After she upgraded her blog, and seeing several other blogs I read change layout recently, I thought it was time for a change. I found this template, which I feel is actually Michigan-y and pretty. It reminds me of my wedding (coolest day ever) on Mackinac Island, with our wedding cake being shaped like a lighthouse. Hope everyone likes it.

Second, on to the real purpose of this post. I am nervous about a few work related things lately. The firm I am working for gave me a real project last week, a research and writing thing, the likes of which I basically haven't done in a year and a half. I've finished it a couple days early and am going to send it to the partner later this afternoon. I have a bad feeling it's not good, or it won't be what they wanted, or it's not up to snuff. I don't know what to do about that--the project itself was fairly straightforward and simple. I guess I'm worried I OVER simplified it and didn't do enough. I just want them to be satisfied with it as a first draft. Honestly, I'm sure it's fine, but I always have this nagging feeling that my work isn't good enough, and by extension, I'm not good enough. Both places I worked as a "real lawyer" (i.e. in the office, full time) I feel didn't give me enough feedback for me to really know if I suck or am halfway decent as a lawyer. So me, being the eternal pessimist, always feel like I'm not good enough. I feel like everything that's ever happened to me is because I suck at my job, and hence, that's why I've not been searching for a full time job all that hard over the past year and a half. I fee like I'm just going to get burned again. Ugh.

The other thing I'm worrying about is playing softball tomorrow! You might wonder, why is she playing softball tomorrow and why is she worried about it? Well, I'm playing softball at the annual firm picnic. I'm worried about going to this outing when I really don't know anybody because I don't work in the office. That's why I'm turning in the assignment late this afternoon--hopefully the partner who assigned it will not have had a chance to read it when I see him tomorrow. If they hate it, I'd much rather get bad news via email (hearing that you suck always comes easier in writing, as opposed to in person). Also, I'm just plain worried about embarrassing myself playing ball! I haven't played since I was a kid. I have very little athletic ability and cannot even keep coordinated in kickboxing class. I've been making my lovely husband, who plays every week on his team in the summer and into the fall, practice with me. We've been throwing and catching, hitting, and fielding. I've been okay, but I'll never be Jennie Finch, or even my friends A or K, who were both pretty darn good players in high school. I just hope I don't fall on my butt or blow a huge play that loses my team the game or something! Aaagh!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Say Hello to My Little Friend

So, about a week ago Brian said I needed a new toy. Keep in mind, I think I have the only husband on the planet who says I need to spend more money on myself. He has been wanting to get a new phone, as his Treo was completely crapping out--failing to sync properly, keys were dying, Windows Mobile was crashing, etc. He was sick of it, and I was sick of hearing him complain.

He decided he wanted an I-phone. For him, it makes sense, that's a business tool. I said, "For me, honey, that would be entirely useless. My flip phone is fine." Well, he disagreed. You see, he's been trying to get me a Wii-Fit since my birthday (2 months ago now!) and cannot get his hands on one. So, to make it up for me, he decided I needed a new phone. I am now the proud owner of a 16G 3G I-phone.

We got them on Friday of last week. For about 2 days, all I could do was play with it. And I must say, it's pretty freaking cool. But now, I've realized it's much more work than my old phone! I have to sync it up with my computer, manage my contacts, manage my music (I decided not to put my whole I-pod library on the thing, so what you do is import playlists). Also, we can't figure out how to sync up the photos I've taken with the phone onto my computer without copying them (i.e., I end up with 2 sets of identical photos on the phone). Brian is in his element with this stuff. For me, it's just frustrating, because it never works the way you want it to. I think technology should just be able to read my mind and do exactly what I want, when I want it. If it doesn't, then I'm not interested. Although, I must say, the I-phone is about as close to that as I've ever seen. And it is wicked fast. But maybe, just maybe, I don't really need to check my email tonight at Brian's softball game, or get on the internet to check the weather in Timbuktu. Maybe all this technology stuff is going a little to far. I can't get him off his damn computer to begin with. I think pretty soon, he's just going to want to get his cell phone implanted in his head or something so he's never without it, yet doesn't have to carry it around. Maybe we don't need to be plugged in 24-7. Maybe humans weren't meant to live that way. Maybe we all need to take a step back and lead a bit simpler lives.

Maybe we should just all be Amish. But, I hate Brian's beard (all married Amish men wear beards) and I'm sure I'd get sick of dark colored dresses, bonnets, and no shaving my legs pretty quickly. What a dilemma....

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Two People I am Sick Of

Michael Phelps and Kwame Kilpatrick. I know, probably not the names you were expecting to read. And, granted, they are very different people, but I am sick of them for the same reason....they are EVERYWHERE.

Kwame-gate has been going on awhile now. The whole things makes me both laugh at the stupidity of the people of Detroit for re-electing him, and cringe, because he had such promise and he's thrown it all away. He's let his political power go to his head; he thinks he's untouchable. I don't give a crap about his affair with Christine Beatty--what some REALLY STUPID people fail to realize is that the perjury case is not about sex for Christ's sake. It's about LYING UNDER OATH. Rule one of our legal system--when you are sworn in to testify--you don't lie. Apparently only Kwame, Bill Clinton, and a few other people in the world don't realize this. Also, who the hell does he think he is, assaulting two sheriff's deputies, one with physical deeds, the other with horrible racial slurs? As I said, he thinks he's untouchable, that's who he thinks he is. Well, he is not, and he needs to go NOW.

As for Michael Phelps, I am probably in the minority of people who have this feeling that I'm TOTALLY and UTTERLY sick of him. He is not the only freaking person competing for our country at the Olympics! The media, especially the media around here, sure treats him like he is. The local media is always saying, "Michigan's own Michael Phelps," but honestly, he's not a Michigander! He swims here, yeah, but he was born and lived in Maryland his whole life, except the last four years. And, as soon as these games are over, he has stated he's going back to Maryland. I understand and agree that he is a tremendous athlete (even in my mind, perhaps the best ever, not just for his sport), but he is not God. Quit kissing his ass so much! I bet he's got a huge ego from everyone sucking up to him ever since he started swimming because he's so good. Quit giving him so much attention! Tell me about some of the other athletes in other events!

So sayeth my rant and rave.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Life Happenings..

Lots of little things going on lately, thought I'd do an another life update!

1) Reproductive stuff--all of my test results have now come back. They found absolutely nothing, which is both good news and (to me) bad news. At least if they find something, it can be treated and you can have some reassurance that this won't happen again. Brian was even tested for a few things, and everything came back fine. So, all they can really do for me is to give me progesterone supplements (the effectiveness of which is medically controversial) and baby aspirin, of all things. Also, I have to get this stuff through a special compound pharmacy that does not take insurance, which is pretty inconvenient. Hopefully, it works.

2) Work stuff--I've been off work again for the last two weeks since deps went into summer vacation. They should start up again next week. Also, the firm I'm doing the work for says they're happy with me, and want me to start doing more work for them, both asbestos and non-asbestos related. They even are putting my picture and bio up on their website! This other work is stuff, that with training, I should be able to do from home a lot, so that is great! It hasn't started yet, so we'll see how it works out.

3) Movies--since seeing the X-Files movie, Brian and I have seen "Step-Brothers" and "Pineapple Express." Both were raunchy R-rated comedies that, at least in my mind, somewhat failed to live up to the hype. They were both decent, and Brian actually liked "Pineapple Express" pretty well (I think it's because he could relate to ALL the pot jokes). But for me, I would have been happy to wait until they were rentals!

4) Baby Showers--I went to C's last weekend, and it was very nice. I helped write down the gifts, and she thanked me later for my "thoroughness." I probably wrote too much! My friend and frequent reader A's is coming up next weekend. It is "Cat in the Hat" themed, which my mother thinks is very cool and is excited to attend with me. I wrapped part of her gift tonight, but I need more paper!

5) Brian's annual camping excursion--he is finally gone camping with the boys for the year. I have to admit, I'm glad it's here so it can be over. For a good two weeks before, its all I hear about, and then we have to go get all the food because Brian has cooked it all for the last few years (except last year, and there were complaints all around). So, finally life can get back to normal.

Great! There's the update! I'm off to watch the finale of "So You Think You Can Dance," which my friend K-Lo got me hooked on last year!