Monday, September 1, 2008

Sarah Palin Rocks My World

So, I am so excited about John McCain's choice of running mate. Alaska governor Sarah Palin is awesome! I had heard her name floated around several months ago in the Veep-stakes, and looked her up, and was immediately impressed by what I read. I literally jumped for joy when I heard she was his choice and I think Brian is in love with another woman. Here is a rundown of all the cool things about her:

1) She has cleaned up corruption, both outside her party and inside it. She doesn't care who you are, if you are dirty, she will tear you up. She's extremely honest and scrupulous.
2) She is fiscally conservative, i.e., is not going to tax the hell out of my (but mostly Brian's) hard earned money to turn around and give entitlements and handouts to people who don't deserve it. Barack Obama's tax plan basically wants to penalize people like Brian and I (and many of our friends) who worked our butts off to get educated and make a good living. To hell with that!
3) She is not a lawyer, or other career-politician type. She has a bachelor's in journalism from the University of Idaho! (Way to go journalism majors--shout out to A!) She worked as a sportscaster for a while, was a commercial fisherman, and did other jobs as well, before being elected to city council, mayor, and governor. And to the Democrats, who are demeaning her experience being mayor of a small town--small towns are the backbone of this country. FUCK YOU. (Excuse my language.)
4) She was a high school basketball star in her hometown who was called "Sarah Barracuda" for having ovaries of steel and playing on a broken foot in the state championship game. She was also in the Miss Alaska pageant to earn scholarship money for college.
5) Her dad is a teacher and her mom was the school secretary--normal upbringing! She and her dad used to go hunt moose before school started. She's a lifetime NRA member (perhaps Brian's second favorite thing about her, behind the fiscal conservatism).
6) She is a mother of five, married to her high school sweetheart for 20 years. Her oldest child is in the Army, going to Iraq in a few weeks, and her youngest is a 4 month old baby with Down's Syndrome. Wow.

Okay, so I'm not saying I agree with everything about her. In my heart, I am a bit more liberal, but the modern Democratic party has lost my vote due to factor #2, listed above. Quit taking my money to pay for people who don't want to work! The things about her that I don't agree with are: 1) She is against gay marriage. On the whole, I would say, let gay people get married. I believe it would create stability in families. Also, allowing gay people to marry in no way diminishes my marriage, so what do I care? 2) Most importantly, she is EXTREMELY pro-life, whereas I am pro-choice. While that is an important issue to me, I cannot cast my vote based on that issue alone. Life is not that simple. And I do respect her immensely for choosing not to terminate her last pregnancy and having her baby with Down's Syndrome. Clearly, she is not hypocritical in her beliefs. She is what she seems.

Also, apparently, there is some potential scandal brewing. In Alaska, people are alleging that she fired an administrator in the State Police for refusing to fire her ex-brother in law, a trooper who was having a nasty custody dispute with her sister. She denies it and the investigation is on going. If that's the worst they can find on her, she's still the cleanest politician out there. Her approval rating in Alaska is over 80%. She must be doing many things right!

So, in short, my vote in November will go to McCain/Palin! Who's got a woman on the ticket now bitches! Also, I want to tell people that I've fixed the blog so anyone can comment, not just those with a blogger id, like my friend A. So, please leave comments, I'd love to read them! Just click on Comments at the bottom of the entry, and choose "Anonymous."


April said...

I, too, was excited to learn about Sarah Palin.

I love that she's a normal person, and that she likes guns! LOL.

I was open to both Obama and McCain, but I heard that Obama wants to take away our guns, so he gets a "shame, shame" from me and no vote.

I also don't like the over-taxation of the rich thing. I think that everyone should get taxed the same percentage or whatever (except for maybe those in extreme poverty). It's stupid to penalize someone for their achievements.

Anonymous said...

Hey! It was nice seeing you again at A's shower!

I occasionally hop over here to your blog (A has a link) and since I now can comment I thought I'd say HI!

I don't often comment, but ya, just so you know I do "visit" you.

Have a great day!

Oh and on blog topic, being a hard core conservative myself, ITA Sarah Palin, does Rock!

Have a nice day!