Monday, April 19, 2010

My Current Obsessions

Instead of crying, whining, and generally being upset about the current state of our adoption proceedings (on hold according to some Russian officials, not on hold according to others--WTF?), I decided to take a page from Miss A, and do a positive/happy blog post! So, I'm going to let you all in on what's going on in this crazy head of mine, and tell you about my current obsessions.

1) The Sookie Stackhouse Novels/True Blood.
So, most of you probably know I'm a huge fan of HBO's "True Blood." I think it is the best Gothic soap opera to come out in a while, with hot, hot men in it to boot. As you probably know, its based on the "Southern Vampire Mysteries" by Charlaine Harris, aka the Sookie Stackhouse novels. Without getting into the plot (Read the books! Watch the show!), I have to say the books are as enjoyable as the show, despite differences between the two. I wasn't going to read the books, because I enjoy the show so much on it's own, but Brian got me the first 8 in a set for Christmas (yes, you read that correctly). I sat down and proceeded to read all eight of them straight through. And then, about 2 weeks ago, the 9th book came out on paperback and I immediately bought that and read it in 48 hours. I know, pathetic. But they are SO MUCH FUN! I've actually already read a couple of them, the ones that are my favorites, over again. I think I may need to get a life! But, when I think about getting a life, I remember book #10 is coming out in May in hardcover, and I think I may need a Sookie/Bill/Eric/Sam fix by then!

2) Lady Gaga. My Lady Gaga obsession actually ties into my True Blood obsession if you can believe it. Alexander Skarsgard, who plays smokin' hot vampire Eric on TB, plays Gaga's boyfriend in the "Paparazzi" video, and when they are talking to each other in Swedish and kissing in bed, I really want to BE HER. (Sorry honey, its just a fantasy). I also just want to be her in general, actually, but just for a short period of time, like a week. As you know, I'm a pretty plain, non-showy kind of gal, and she is the EXACT OPPOSITE. And I admire that. She dresses how she wants, sings what she wants, does what she wants and expressed herself. I actually feel like there's a side of my personality that's like that, but I've never had the confidence or proper scenario to show that. I wish for one day, I could wear outrageous false eyelashes, 6" platform boots and a bubble dress. Or, meet the Queen of England in red pleather. Like I said, I would just want to be Gaga for a short time and then go back to my nice quiet life. But I think that week or so would be a hell of a lot of fun!

3) Last, but not least, my Mom got Travis this super cute duckling for Easter and now I want one too. We were up there on Saturday and I was holding it, and petting it, and its possibly THE CUTEST THING EVER. It's about the size of a kitten right now, and fuzzy yellow, and it doesn't know how to quack yet, so it just goes, "Beep beep beep." It kept nibbling me and chewing my hair and generally acted about 110% on the cuteness scale. I know I can't have one, because I couldn't let it wander my yard like my folks can, we have too many critters that would eat it, but it makes me wish for the days when we have kids and they want bunny rabbits and stuff like I had as a kid!


April said...

It's not pathetic to devour books! Read on, girl.
I saw a photo on FB of you and the duckling. It is SUPER cute! And it makes me smile every time I imagine Travis petting it and being sweet to it.
Also, I know what you mean about wanting to be wild, but not ever doing it. Perhaps the next time we get together we can wear mega-lashes and talk in British accents or something. :)

Ashely Carli McClelland said...

Hello, i stumbled accrossed your blog, I'm a college kid but i was hoping to give you some hope about your russian adoption. My own parents are in the process of adopting, they actually just went over to see the child for the first time last week. As far as i know they aren't having any trouble but they could still get all the way to moscow and be told no. My parents also have a blog, if you look up what i follow, it is something about a house and following the lord can't remember the exact phrase but it will most likely be the only one there so far.

princessjo1988 said...

Stumbled across your blog!!

Glad to find another Sookie fan. I even named my bird Sookie. Hmmm...that may be a little embarrassing!!

But nevertheless: great to stumble across another Sookie fan, now off to explore your blog!!
