Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Latest Guilty Pleasures

As most of you probably know, I'm currently not working. Because I'm unemployed, I have a fairly good amount of time on my hands, time that I'm currently filling up reading, working out, bumming around my house, and watching an inordinate amount of daytime television. (FYI--I'm working with a new legal recruiter, let's hope she has more luck than I've had on my own!) I've been exercising almost everyday, mostly on the treadmill and Bowflex Brian and I have in the basement. (I have seen a bit of result, but not as much as I would if I would quit indulging my substantial sweet tooth. What can I say--I like dessert.) Anyway, we have a TV down there to watch while we work out. I've discovered two hilarious shows on a channel I never knew existed--BBC America. I watch said guilty pleasures while working out, and actually time my workout most days to coincide with these ridiculously entertaining, yet mindless, shows. For those of you who don't know, BBC is the British Broadcasting Corporation, so both of these shows are made in the UK.

The first show, which is on from 10-11 a.m. (two one-half hour episodes) is called "How Clean is Your House?" It features two middle aged British women named Kim and Aggie who go to a different house every episode and clean up the absolutely disgusting mess that the homeowner has allowed the home to get into. These people are living in some of the filthiest conditions you've ever seen. The beginning of the show is hilarious--the ladies always go inspect the home before the homeowner is there, and they always find a multitude of sins, from pans that haven't been washed in years, with food stuck on them, cat poo all over the place, bathrooms that look like science experiments, the list goes on and on. You name it, they've seen it. The funny part is their reactions. Kim always, and I mean every episode, says she's going to vomit, but never does. Then, the homeowner comes home, they rip the person a new one, and have a cleaning crew come in and clean up. Also, they give really good cleaning tips, using mostly natural, non-toxic methods, which is great. The homeowner always seems really shocked that their house or apartment can look that nice, to which I always think--weren't you ever taught what hot water and soap can do?

The second show is just as comical. It's on from 11-noon, again two one-half hour episodes. It's called "You Are What You Eat." It features a woman named Jillian McKeeth, who is this little tiny abrasive Scottish woman that calls herself a "holistic nutritionist." The whole premise is that people are fat and eat like garbage, and she's out to whip them into shape. Each episode features some very overweight, unhealthy person who actually signed up for, or was nominated, to take Jillian's abuse for 8 weeks and live by her program. Her program is basically veganism or very strict vegitarianism, but sometimes she does allow the person to eat fish. It is hilarious to watch these people whose entire lives have been centered around fish and chips takeaway or massive amounts of frozen pizza struggle to prepare and eat these meals. Jillian is very fond of quinoa (a South American whole grain), lentils, and porridge, all of which look completely tasteless on TV. Jillian is also, grossly enough, fond of examining her subjects' poo sample, and then she tells them how bad their poo is, how smelly, etc, and why it shouldn't be that way. I guess in the UK she's called TAPL ("The Awful Poo Lady") (BTW--they don't show the poo sample on TV, don't worry). Anyway, after the 8 week program, these folks always lose massive amounts of weight and feel so much better, and of course they're not going to go back to their old ways, etc. But I bet it's like the "Biggest Loser" and many of them probably gain the weight back. But it's still entertaining. FYI--if you watch this show, to really understand how much these people weigh, you must know that a "stone" is a British unit of measurement that is 14 pounds.

So, if you have BBC America on your TV, check out my new favorite shows! They are also on in the afternoon if you can't watch in the morning!


April said...

I love BBC!! I have seen the dirty house show. GROSS! One of my favorite shows is a simple little drama called Monarch of the Glen.

ruth said...

Heather I am glad that you have found BBC America, but I am afraid to say it has been around for a long time.
Also check out their drama shows and their website.
I am glad that you are putting your time at home to good use.